GED Program » GED Test Basics

GED Test Basics

GED® test basics
  •   4 test subjects:
    • Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA),
    • Mathematical Reasoning,
    • Science, 
    • Social Studies
  •  Students must score 145 in all 4 test subjects to earn their GED® credential
  •  Students don’t have to take all 4 tests at once 
  •  Delivered on computer
  •  Available in both English and Spanish 
  •  Just over 7 hours for all 4 test subjects
  •  1 essay and 2 short answer questions (known as “constructed response” items) 
  •  Offers three passing levels:
    •   GED® Passing Score (score of 145-164)
    •   GED® College Ready (score of 165-174)
    •   GED® College Ready + Credit (score of 175-200)
  •   Passing levels are based on the performance of graduating high school seniors from the class of 2013 who took the test as part of the standardization and norming study
  • Scores reported in the Enhanced Score Report, available in student’s MyGED® account